Fishing Line
C&R creates chaotic flares that dance across the image. C&R matches light sources and will pick up light striking from out of frame. Every camera/lens combination produces its own unique effect. This effect changes based on the lens, focal length, and aperture. Flare characteristics change based on rotating the filter or letting the strands fall organically.
The effect below was achieved using Isopropyl and 36 strands of fishing line at 18mm in length.
Alternate effects can be achieved by using different colors, lengths and widths of fishing line. Longer strands will cause flares to linger longer. More strands will increase the strength of the effect. The fishing line can be bent and shaped to produce alternate flare patterns.
The color of the flare can be customized using colored fishing line. Green fishing line will produce green flares, blue fishing line will produce blue flares. Colors can be mixed to create a specific combination of colors. Green and Blue fishing line will produce green and blue flares.
Check out Trance to get a look at colored flares.
Note: Once fishing line is introduced into the filter it is difficult to remove. The filter is now “Committed” to C&R.

Atlas Orion 32mm
Atlas Orion 32mm

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Giff 4
Jesse Lynn Madera - Unchained [Official Music Video]
Director: Nell Teare
DP: Valentina Caniglia AIC