KG Daze No Screws trim.gif


KineticGlass Daze is a combination of immiscible fluids (i.e. acetone and parafin, water and oil). Agitating the solution will create blobs. Further agitation will cause the blobs to get smaller. Every camera/lens combination produces its own unique effect. This effect changes drastically based on the focal length and aperture.

A smaller aperture causes the effect to be sharper. A wider aperture will result in chaotic streaks.

Alternate effects can be achieved by using different ratios of fluid. The color can be altered by coloring the fluids.

KineticGlass Parafin Oaisis .gif

Below demonstrates how aperture plays a major role in the outcome of the effect.



KG daze panavision.gif

Submit examples using KineticGlass Daze to have them featured here!

KG macro Daze.gif