The Exclusive Line consists of effects that have been vetted by KhanØptic. Most effects can be made using common items. The following effects have been developed and tested for optimal performance. Stay tuned for more to come!


Nova creates chaotic flares that change color.

Nova has been developed in house and can not be found anywhere else. The vial contains approximately 45 specially coated glass elements measuring 10mm each. The lens rod size can be further customized if desired.

Crushing the lens rods will create “Nova Crush”

Once Nova is introduced into the filter it can not be removed.

Disco Prism

Disco Prism creates rainbow sparkles.

Not all glitters are the same. Vetted glitters have been tested in house for optimal performance. These glitters have great shine, solvent resistance, and do not stick to the glass.

Disco Colors

Tailor disco by mixing and matching colored glitters.

Not all glitters are the same. Vetted glitters have been tested in house for optimal performance. These glitters have great shine, solvent resistance, and do not stick to the glass.

SLASHER PRISM Exclusive Line


Coming Soon…

Slasher Prism will cause rainbow flares.

Note: Once Slasher Prism is introduced to KineticGlass it can not be removed.


Coming Soon…

Noise Prism consists of a pigment. Noise Prism will soften the image and cause highlights to bloom similar to diffusion filters. Noise will also produce subtle sparkles similar to KineticGlass Disco.

Note: When delivered, Noise will not fill the vial. The photo shown here is filled with isopropyl to better depict the particles.